Lately, we’ve been going over the migration of v2 packages from v1. Today, I’ll talk about the updated Aura.Router v2 package. While not an example of extracting a new package from an existing one, it has a couple of features that other routers don’t currently have, in addition to being truly independent and completely decoupled from any other package.

(This post describes only some of the features of the router; please visit the Aura.Router v2 package page for full information. Also, unlike v1, the v2 package is PHP 5.3 compatible!)

Only Routing, No Dispatching

Anyone using a framework system built in the past 5 years or so should already be familiar with routers. A router takes the incoming URL path, along with other optional data, and extracts a series of values that determine what controller and action should be executed, along with the parameters to send along to the controller and action.

Most routing systems combine the “routing” task with the “dispatch” task. That is, they both extract the parameters and pick the controller/action. Aura.Router v2, because of its truly independent nature, only does routing. It turns out that dispatching is something that can be independent of routing, and so we have a separate Aura.Dispatcher package to handle that (although you can use any dispatching system you like).

The Basics

Aura.Router v2 has the basic features one expects: map a path to a route, define token regexes, etc.

// add a basic route with name, path, token regexes, and default values
$router->add('', '/blog/read/{id}{format}')
        'id' => '\d+',
        'format' => '(\.\w+)?'
        'controller' => 'Blog',
        'action' => 'read',

// use addGet(), addPost(), etc. to limit the matching HTTP method.
// use setSecure() to limit to secure connections.

Because Aura.Router v2 is completely decoupled, you have to feed it the incoming URL path and server information when doing matching (it does not make assumptions about the execution environment):

// get the incoming request URL path
$path = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);

// get the route based on the path and server
$route = $router->match($path, $_SERVER);

If there is a match, the $route variable will be a Route object (otherwise false). You can then dispatch to the controller and action of your choice by getting the $route->params; the following is naive but works just fine when autoloading is set up:

// get the route params
$params = $route->params;

// what class and method should we dispatch to?
$class = "App\Controllers\{$params['controller']}Controller";
$method = $params['action'] . 'Action';

// with the above '' route, this will execute
// \App\Controllers\BlogController::readAction()
// and get back the result
$controller = new $class;
$result = $controller->$method($params);

If you’re looking for an independent dispatching system with a little more power and flexibility, checkout Aura.Dispatcher.

Routing By Server Values

Aura.Router v2 allows you to examine the $_SERVER values and pick a route based on them using the addServer() method. For example, if you want to match routes based on the HTTP_ACCEPT value …

$router->addRoute('json_only', '/accept/json/{id}')
        // must be of quality *, 1.0, or 0.1-0.9
        'HTTP_ACCEPT' => 'application/json(;q=(\*|1\.0|[0\.[1-9]]))?'

In that naive example, there must be a $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] string that matches the given regex for the route to match. The matching HTTP_ACCEPT portion will be placed in the $route->params for you to use as you wish.

Sequentially Optional Params

Sometimes we need a params in the route path to be sequentially optional. The classic example is a blog archive organized by year, month, and day. We don’t want to have to write three routes, one for /{year}, /{year}/{month}, and /{year}/{month}/{day}, each with repeated information about the route.

In Aura.Router v2, there is a special notation similar to URI Templates that indicates sequentially optional params:

$router->add('blog.archive', '/blog/archive{/year,month,day}')
        'year'  => '\d{4}',
        'month' => '\d{2}',
        'day'   => '\d{2}'
        'controller' => 'blog',
        'action' => 'archive',
        'year' => null,
        'month' => null,
        'day' => null,

With that, the following routes will all match the ‘archive’ route, and will set the appropriate values:


Incidentally, this means that the commonly used controller/action/id catchall route is easy to implement with defaults in place:

$router->add('catchall', '{/controller,action,id}')
        'controller' => 'default',
        'action' => 'index',
        'id' => null,

That means / will have params indicating the default controller index action, /foo will indicate the foo controller index action, /foo/bar will indicate the foo controller bar action, and /foo/bar/42 will indicate the foo controller bar action with id of 42.

Attaching Route Groups

Aura.Router v2 is different from v1 in how it attaches what are variously called sub-routes or route groups. Previously, we used a descriptor array, but in practice that turned out to be a little unwieldly. The new version uses a callable to allow you attach route groups programmatically:

// attach routes to the '/blog' path prefix, and prefix all names with 'blog.'
$router->attach('blog', '/blog', function ($router) {
    // blog.browse at /blog
    $router->add('browse', '');
    // at /blog/read/{id}{format}
    $router->add('read', '/{id}{format}', array(
            'id' => '\d+',
            'format' => '(\.\w+)?'

See a longer example here.

As a side note, the router will automatically add default controller and action values for you here. The controller value is the route name prefix, and the action value is the sub-route name. Of course, these can be overridden by path params or your own default values.

Attaching REST Routes

As a consequence of using a closure to add route groups, we can now add REST resource routes in a single call to attachResource():

$router->attachResource('blog', '/blog');

This will add seven REST routes with appropriate names, paths, HTTP methods, and token regexes; you can see the list here.

If you decide those routes are not to your liking, you can override the default behavior by using setResourceCallable() to pass callable of your own to create resource routes:

$router->setResourceCallable(function ($router) {
    $router->addPost('create', '/{id}');
    $router->addGet('read', '/{id}');
    $router->addPatch('update', '/{id}');
    $router->addDelete('delete', '/{id}');

That example will cause four CRUD routes to be added when you call attachResource().


The Aura.Router v2 library retains the strengths of the v1 offering while adding convenience and power, all in a completely decoupled package with no other dependencies. It keeps a separation between routing and dispatching, allowing you to drop it into any system you like and use any dispatching mechanism of your own choice.

If you like clean code, fully decoupled libraries, and truly independent packages, then the Aura project is for you. Download a single package and start using it in your project today, with no added dependencies.

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