
The Aura Framework controller is the extended version of Aura Web package, which provides tools to build web page controllers, including an AbstractPage for action methods, a Context class for discovering the request environment, and a Response transfer object that describes the eventual HTTP response. (Note that the Response transfer object is not itself an HTTP response.) It also includes a Signal interface to handle calls to controller hooks, as well as a Renderer interface to allow for different rendering strategies.

Creating your controller

Let us create a page controller class of our own, extending the Aura\Framework\Web\Controller\AbstractPage

namespace Vendor\Package\Web;

use Aura\Web\Controller\AbstractPage;

class Page extends AbstractPage


The Execution Cycle

The heart of the page controller is its execution cycle.

The exec() cycle runs …

  • the preExec() hook to prepare for overall execution,

  • the preAction() hook to prepare for the action,

  • the action() method to invoke the method determined by the 'action' param value

  • the postAction() hook,

  • the preRender() hook to prepare for rendering,

  • the render() method to render a presentation (this is up to the developer to create),

  • the postRender() hook, and

  • the postExec() hook to do work after overall execution.

Action Methods

At this point, calling exec() on the page controller will do nothing, because there are no corresponding action methods. To add an action method to the page controller, create it as a method named action*() with any parameters it needs:

namespace Example\Package\Web;

use Aura\Web\Controller\AbstractPage;

class Page extends AbstractPage
    public function actionHello($noun = null)
        $noun = htmlspecialchars($noun, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        $content = "Hello, {$noun}!";
        $this->data->content = $content;

The Response Transfer Object

To manipulate the response description, use the $this->response transfer object. Some of the important methods are:

  • setContent(): sets the body content

  • setHeader(): sets a single header value

  • setCookie(): sets a single cookie

  • setRedirect(): sets a Location: header for redirect, with an optional status code and message (default is '302 Found'.)

  • setStatusCode() and setStatusText(): sets the HTTP status code and message

For more information, please review the Response class.

The Context Object

You can discover the web request environment using the $this->context object. Some of the important methods are:

  • getQuery(): gets a $_GET value

  • getPost(): gets a $_POST value

  • getFiles(): gets a $_FILES value

  • getInput(): gets the raw php://input value

  • getJsonInput(): gets the raw php://input value and json_decode() it

  • isGet(), isPut(), isXhr(), etc.: Tells if the request method was GET, PUT, an Xml-HTTP-Request, etc.

For more information, please review the Context class.

An example “search” action using a “terms” query string parameter might look like this:

public function actionSearch()
    $terms = $this->context->getQuery('terms');
    if ($terms) {
        // ... now search a database ...

Given a URI with the query string '?terms=foo+bar+baz', the $terms variable would be 'foo bar baz'. If there was no 'terms' item in the query string, $terms would be null.

The Accept Object

You can discover what the client will accept using the $this->accept object.

  • getContentType(): returns the accepted media types

  • getCharset(): returns the accepted character sets

  • getEncoding(): returns the accepted encodings

  • getLanguage(): returns the accepted languages

Data and Rendering

Usually, you will not want to manipulate the Response content directly in the action method. It is almost always the case that you will collect data inside the action method, then hand off to a rendering system to present that data. The AbstractPage provides a $data property and a Renderer strategy system for just that purpose.

Here is a naive example of how to use the $data property:

namespace Vendor\Package\Web\Greet;

use Aura\Web\Controller\AbstractPage;

class Page extends AbstractPage
    public function actionHello($noun = null)
        $this->data->noun = $noun;

View template and layout

In-order to render the proper template, we need to assign which view and layout need to be rendered.

You can assign which view it needs to render as $this->view = 'viewname' and which layout need to be assigned via $this->layout = 'layout-name'.

If we have multiple views for a single action, ie json, xml, html we can pass like

$this->view = [
    '.html' => 'greet.html.php',
    '.json' => 'greet.json.php',
    '.xml' => 'greet.xml.php'
namespace Vendor\Package\Web\Greet;

use Aura\Web\Controller\AbstractPage;

class Page extends AbstractPage
    public function actionHello($noun = null)
        $this->data->noun = $noun;
        // only one view
        // $this->view = 'greet';

        $this->view = [
            '.html' => 'greet.html.php',
            '.json' => 'greet.json.php',
            '.xml' => 'greet.xml.php'

        // only one layout
        // $this->layout = 'layout-name';

        // if you have multiple layouts for different formats
        $this->layout = [
            '.html' => 'default.php',
            '.json' => '',
            '.xml' => ''


Now we need to add two things.

Add your controller to the map in the config/default.php file.

$di->params['Aura\Framework\Web\Controller\Factory']['map']['<name>'] = 'Vendor\Package\Web\Greet\Page';

Add a route, with the same name of the controller you have specified above

$di->get('router_map')->add('<unique-route-name>', '/registered', [
    'values' => [
        'controller' => '<name>',
        'action' => 'hello',

Consider reading routing chapter for more information on routes.