Creating Forms

Every webpage needs some sort of forms. Please do read chapter on Dependency Injection and Generic Factory.

Form class

In-order to create forms, we need to extend Aura\Input\Form class and override the init() method.

We use setField method to add an input type.

Let us create an example form

namespace Example\Package\Input;

use Aura\Input\Form;

class ContactForm extends Form
    public function init()
        $states = array(
            'AL' => 'Alabama',
            'AK' => 'Alaska',
            'AZ' => 'Arizona',
            'AR' => 'Arkansas',
            // ...

        // set input fields
        // hint the view layer to treat the first_name field as a text input,
        // with size and maxlength attributes
        $this->setField('first_name', 'text')
                'size' => 20,
                'maxlength' => 20,

        // hint the view layer to treat the state field as a select, with a
        // particular set of options (the keys are the option values, and the values
        // are the displayed text)
        $this->setField('state', 'select')

        $this->setField('message', 'textarea')
                'cols' => 40,
                'rows' => 5,
        // etc.

        // set input filters
        $filter = $this->getFilter();
        $filter->addSoftRule('first_name', $filter::IS, 'string');
        $filter->addSoftRule('first_name', $filter::IS, 'strlenMin', 4);
        $filter->addSoftRule('state', $filter::IS, 'inKeys', $states);
        $filter->addSoftRule('message', $filter::IS, 'string');
        $filter->addSoftRule('message', $filter::IS, 'strlenMin', 6);

Read passing options into forms, to see how the states can also be provided.

Setting Filters On The Form

The aura framework uses Aura.Filter package for form validation and sanitization. The Aura\Input\Form object has getFilter() method which is an object of Aura\Framework\Input\Filter an extended class of Aura\Filter\RuleCollection.

Look into Validation and Sanitization for the different types of Rules, how you can create your own rules.

Extended Controller for form creation

The aura framework has a very basic controller. You need to extend the controller according to your needs.

namespace Example\Package\Web;

use Aura\Framework\Web\Controller\AbstractPage;
use Aura\Input\FormFactory;

abstract class PageController extends AbstractPage
    protected $form_factory;

    public function setFormFactory(FormFactory $form_factory)
        $this->form_factory = $form_factory;

    public function getFormFactory()
        return $this->form_factory;


In-order to make use of the dependency injection, we need to map the form names to Aura\Input\FormFactory.

$di->setter['Example\Package\Web\PageController']['setFactory'] =

You can map as many forms into the FormFactory as

$di->params['Aura\Input\FormFactory']['map'][''] =

Form object

Form objects can then be created in the extend class Example\Package\Web\PageController of controller as

$form = $this->getFormFactory()->newInstance('');

Populating and Validating User Input

We can fill the form with user input and see if the user input is valid. First, we use the fill() method to set the input values. We then call the filter() method to see if the user input is valid; if not, we show the messages for the inputs that did not pass their filter rules.

// fill the form with $_POST array elements
// that match the form input names.

// apply the filters
$pass = $form->filter();

// did all the filters pass?
if ($pass) {
    // yes
    echo "User input is valid." . PHP_EOL;
} else {
    // no; get the messages.
    echo "User input is not valid." . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($form->getMessages() as $name => $messages) {
        foreach ($messages as $message) {
            echo "Input '{$name}': {$message}" . PHP_EOL;

Applying CSRF Protections

Aura.Input comes with an interface for implementations that prevent cross-site request forgery attacks. To make use of this interface, we will need to provide our own CSRF implementation; this is because it depends on two things that Aura.Input cannot provide: an object that tells us if the user is authenticated or not, and an object to generate and retain a cryptographically secure random value for the CSRF token value. A pseudo-implementation follows.

namespace Example\Package\Input;

use Aura\Input\AntiCsrfInterface;
use Aura\Input\Fieldset;
use Example\Package\CsrfObject;
use Example\Package\UserObject;

class AntiCsrf implements AntiCsrfInterface
    // a user object indicating if the user is authenticated or not
    protected $user;

    // a csrf value generation object
    protected $csrf;

    public function __construct(UserObject $user, CsrfObject $csrf)
        $this->user = $user;
        $this->csrf = $csrf;

    // implementation of setField(); adds a CSRF token field to the fieldset.
    public function setField(Fieldset $fieldset)
        if (! $this->user->isAuthenticated()) {
            // user is not authenticated so CSRF cannot occur

        // user is authenticated, so add a CSRF token
        $fieldset->setField('__csrf_token', $this->csrf->getValue());

    // implementation of isValid().  return true if CSRF token is present
    // and of the correct value, or return false if not.
    public function isValid(array $data)
        if (! $this->user->isAuthenticated()) {
            // user is not authenticated so CSRF cannot occur
            return true;

        // user is authenticated, so check to see if input has a CSRF token
        // of the correct value
        return isset($data['__csrf_token'])
            && $data['__csrf_token'] == $this->csrf->getValue();

We can then pass an instance of the implementation into our form using the setAntiCsrf() method.

$form = $this->getFactory()->newInstance('');
$anti_csrf = new AntiCsrf(new UserObject, new CsrfObject);

Calling setAntiCsrf() adds a CSRF field to the form.

When we call fill() on the form, it will check the CSRF value in the data to make sure it is correct. If not, the form will not fill in the data, and throw an exception and will not fill in the data.

In The View Layer

The Aura.Input package only describes the user inputs and their values. It does not render forms or fields; that task is for the view layer. However, Aura.Input does allow for “hints” that the view layer can use for rendering.

When defining a field, we can set the type as the second parameter to the setField() method. This can be an HTML input type, an HTML tag name, a custom name that the view layer recognizes, or anything else; recall that these are only hints for the view, and are not strict. In addition, we can use fluent methods to set attributes and options on the field.

// hint the view layer to treat the state field as a select, with a
// particular set of options (the keys are the option values, and the values
// are the displayed text)
$this->setField('state', 'select')
        'AL' => 'Alabama',
        'AK' => 'Alaska',
        'AZ' => 'Arizona',
        'AR' => 'Arkansas',
        // ...

In our view layer, we can extract the hints for a field using the get() method.

// get the hints for the state field
$hints = $form->get('state');

// the hints array looks like this:
// $hints = array(
//     'type' => 'select',      # the input type
//     'name' => 'state',       # the input name
//     'attribs' => array(           # attributes as key-value pairs
//         // ...
//     ),
//     'options' => array(           # options as key-value pairs
//         'AL' => 'Alabama',
//         'AZ' => 'Arizona',
//         // ...
//     ),
//     'value' => '',           # the current value of the input
// );

The Aura.View package comes with a series of helpers that can translate the hints array to HTML.

Assuming you have assigned the form object to the view from controller action as

$this->data->form = $form;

then from view, you can display the form as

echo $this->field($this->form->get('state'));

Passing Options Into Forms

Frequently, the application using the inputs will have a standard set of options used across all forms and filters. It would be inconvenient to have to duplicate those standard options for each different form, so Aura.Input allows us to pass in any object at all as a container for application-wide options. We can then use those options for building the inputs.

For example, we would construct our ContactForm with an arbitrary options object …

namespace Example\Package;

class Options
    protected $states = array(
        'AL' => 'Alabama',
        'AK' => 'Alaska',
        'AZ' => 'Arizona',
        'AR' => 'Arkansas',
        // ...

    public function getStates()
        return $this->states;

… and then use it in the init() method of form remove the $states array with $options->getStates().

namespace Example\Package;

use Aura\Input\Form;

class ContactForm extends Form
    protected function init()
        // the options object injected via constructor
        $options = $this->getOptions();

        $states = $options->getStates();

        // set input fields
        $this->setField('state', 'select')

Configuration for Options

$di->set('contact_options', function () use ($di) {
    return $di->newInstance('Example\Package\Options');

$di->params['Example\Package\ContactForm']['options'] = $di->lazyGet('contact_options');