Package Organization

In Aura, all code is grouped into packages. There is no difference between library packages, support packages, web packages, and so on – they are all just “packages.”

The package directory structure looks like this:

    cli/                        # command-line script invokers
    composer.json               # composer/packagist file
    config/                     # package-level configs
        default.php             # default configs
        test.php                # configs for "test" mode
    meta/                       # metadata for packaging scripts
    LICENSE                     # license file                   # readme file
    src/                        # the actual source code organized for PSR-0
    tests/                      # test files for phpunit
    web/                        # public web assets
        styles/                 # css files
        images/                 # image files
        scripts/                # javascript (or other script) files

In general, your src/ files should be organized like so:

        Cli/                    # all CLI commands
            CommandName/        # a particular CLI command and its support files
                Command.php     # the actual command logic
                data/           # other data for the command
        Web/                    # all web pages
            PageName/           # a particular web page and its support files
                Page.php        # the actual page action logic
                views/          # views for the page
                layouts/        # layouts for the page
                data/           # other data for the page
                HelperName.php  # a view helper

You can of course place other libraries in the package if you like.

Creating your Package

Let’s create a package and a page controller, to greet a person

Package Structure

First, create the package structure (just the parts we need):

$ mkdir -p package/Example.Package/src/Example/Package/Web/Greet/views
$ mkdir package/Example.Package/config

Note : If you are in *nix system the -p command works. If you are in
windows, you may want to create each directory seprately.

Page Controller and View

Let us create our controller. Open your favourite editor and save the code below

namespace Example\Package\Web\Greet;
use Aura\Framework\Web\Controller\AbstractPage;
class Page extends AbstractPage
    public function actionIndex()
        $this->data->message = $this->context->getQuery('name', 'guys!');
        $this->view = 'index';

as Page.php in the folder package/Example.Package/src/Example/Package/Web/Greet/

Next, we need to create a view for the action. Paste the below code

$this->title()->set('Welcome to the world of Aura Framework!');
<h1>Hey good day <?= $this->message; ?></h1>
<form method="get" action="<?php echo $this->route('example_package_greet'); ?>" class="form-search">
    <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="input-medium search-query" placeholder="Name" />
    <input type="submit" name="greet" id="greet" value="Greet" class="btn" />

and save it as index.php in package/Example.Package/src/Example/Package/Web/Greet/views folder.

At this point your package directory should look like this:



We have not added any files to the autoloader, and have not specified the routes. Its time to add it in the configuration.

Open the editor and paste the below contents

/** Example Package configs */

// add the package to the autoloader
$loader->add('Example\Package\\', dirname(__DIR__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'src');

// add a route to the page and action
$di->get('router_map')->add('example_package_greet', '/greet', [
    'values' => [
        'controller' => 'greet',
        'action' => 'index',

// map the 'greet' controller value to a page controller class
$di->params['Aura\Framework\Web\Controller\Factory']['map']['greet'] = 'Example\Package\Web\Greet\Page';

Save the files as default.php in Example.Package/config folder.

Loading your package

For the framework to load your package and the configuration files, you need to add your package in the {$system}/config/_packages file.

This is because some packages, depend on another package. So the configuration needs to be loaded first. The packages are loaded in the order it is written in {$system}/config/_packages file.

Try it out

It is time to see what we did so far. Let us use the PHP’s built in capability of running it as server from cli

$ php -S localhost:8000 web/index.php

Browse http://localhost:8000/greet URL and see Hey good day and if you insert Bob in the input box and submit, you will see Hey good day Bob