3.1.9. Auto-Resolution Of Constructor Parameters

Some developers prefer to let the Container resolve dependencies on its own, without having to specify anything in a configuration file. Note that there can be unusual debugging problems inherent in tracking down the default injections, so auto-resolution may or may not be your preference.

To use auto-resolution in a Container, build the Container with $container = $builder->newInstance($builder::AUTO_RESOLVE). If you're using newConfiguredInstance to configure your dependency injector and want this functionality, you will need to pass $builder::AUTO_RESOLVE as the second parameter.

Note that auto-resolution only works for class/interface typehints. It does not work for array typehints.

Note also that auto-resolution does not apply to setter methods. This is because the Container does not know which methods are setters and which are "normal use" methods. Since you have to specify $di->setters anyway, the Container has no chance to attempt auto-resolution. Auto-Resolving From Concrete Typehints

If the parameter is typehinted to a class but there is no $di->params value for that parameter, and also no default value, the Container will automatically fill in a lazyNew() call to the typehinted class.

For example, look at the following class; it has a parameter typehinted to a class, and no default value:

class Example
    public function __construct(Foo $foo)
        // ...

The Container will auto-resolve the constructor param as if you had explicitly specified the following:

$di->params['Example']['foo'] = $di->lazyNew('Foo'); Auto-Resolving From Abstract and Interface Typehints

Obviously, you can't instantiate an interface or an abstract class. So, if a constructor parameter is typehinted like this ...

class Example
    public function __construct(FooInterface $foo)
        // ...

... the Container cannot auto-resolve with lazyNew('FooInterface').

When it comes to interfaces and abstracts, then, you have to tell the Container how to resolve them using $di->types:

$di->types['FooInterface'] = $di->lazyNew('Foo');

The Container will now resolve all FooInterface typehints to a lazy-new instance of Foo. Auto-Resolving to Services

Sometimes you don't want a new instance of the typehinted param. Often, you will want to use a service instead. Auto-resolving a typehint to a service is easy, using the $di->types technique from above. For example, given this class ...

class Example
    public function __construct(DbInterface $db)
        // ...

... we can auto-resolve all DbInterface typehints to a service in the Container:

$di->types['DbInterface'] = $di->lazyGet('database_connection');

This works for concrete classes as well. Given this class:

class Example
    public function __construct(Db $db)
        // ...

... we can auto-resolve all concrete PDO typehints to a service in the Container:

$di->types['Db'] = $di->lazyGet('database_connection'); Overriding Auto-Resolution

You may wish to explicitly specify a constructor parameter for a class, instead of letting the Container use auto-resolution. You can do so through the old familiar $di->params technique.

// by default, resolve to this service
$di->types['DbInterface'] = $di->lazyGet('database_connection');

// but in this particular class, and its children,
// resolve to this other service
$di->params['OtherClass']['db'] = $di->lazyGet('other_connection');