2.2.3. Setter Injection

The Container supports setter injection in addition to constructor injection. (These can be combined as needed.)

After the Container constructs a new instance of an object, we can specify that certain methods should be called with certain values immediately after instantiation by using the $di->setter array before locking it.

Say we have class like the following:

namespace Vendor\Package;

class Example
    protected $foo;

    public function setFoo($foo)
        $this->foo = $foo;

We can specify that, by default, the setFoo() method should be called with a specific value after construction like so:

$di->setters['Vendor\Package\Example']['setFoo'] = 'foo_value';

Note also that this works only with explicitly-defined setter methods. Setter methods that exist only via magic __call() will not be honored. Use mutations if you want to call magic methods.

N.b.: If you try to access $setters after calling newInstance() (or after locking the Container using the lock() method) the Container will throw an exception. This is to prevent modifying the params after objects have been created. Thus, be sure to set up all params for all objects before creating an object.