Aura framework is built on the top of aura libraries. If you are looking for documentation on individual libraries, check out the packages documentation.
The Aura Framework manual is still a work in progress (WIP). If you are interested in contributing to the manual please fork and contribute.
The framework manual is under manuals folder
The folder structure inside the manuals is
If you are interested to contribute on a different language, first look into the issues.
So if someone is already working on it, we can collaborate and not duplicate the work already done.
If you didnot find the language, create an issue so others know you have started the work on that particular language.
Fork and add the 2 letter language code and the translated contents.
If you have any questions feel free to ask at auraphp groups.
The manuals are rendered with the help of Jekyll and hosted in github.
You can install Jekyll in your local system and see how it renders.