4.7.3. Filtering Arrays and Objects

You can filter an entire object or array (herein called a "subject") by specifying rules for each object property or array element (herein called "fields"). Creating A Subject Filter

First, create a SubjectFilter via the FilterFactory:

$filter_factory = new FilterFactory();

$filter = $filter_factory->newSubjectFilter();

Next, add rule specifications to validate and/or sanitize each subject field:

// the username must be alphanumeric
// but not *only* numeric,
// at least 6 characters long,
// and cast it to a string
$filter->validate('username')->is('strlenMin', 6);

// the password must be at least 6 characters long, and must match a
// confirmation field
$filter->validate('password')->is('strlenMin', 6);
$filter->validate('password_confirm')->is('equalToField', 'password');

We can call one of the following methods after validate():

We can call one of the following methods after sanitize():

For more about blanks, see the section on Blank Fields. Applying The Subject Filter

We can then apply the filter specifications to the subject. A true result means all the rules passed, while false means one or more failed.

// the data to be filtered; could also be an object
$subject = array(
    'username' => 'bolivar',
    'password' => 'p@55w0rd',
    'password_confirm' => 'p@sword', // not the same!

// filter the object and see if there were failures
$success = $filter->apply($subject);
if (! $success) {
    // get the failures
    $failures = $filter->getFailures();
} Filter Failures

When we get the failures via getFailures(), we can examine in detail which fields failed, and what the failure messages were. The getFailures() method returns a FailureCollection (essentially an ArrayObject keyed on the field names). Each field in the FailureCollection has an array of Failure objects, each with these methods:

These can be combined in various ways to generate output regarding the filter failures. Failure Modes

Normally, the filter will stop filtering any field that fails one of its rules, but will continue applying rules to the rest of the fields. Also, the filter specification will provide a default message when a rule fails.

We can modify that behavior by specifying a failure mode, with an optional custom message:

In each case, the custom message will be used instead of the default one for the specified rule. If we want to just set a custom message without changing the failure mode, we can use $filter->...->setMessage('custom message'). Field-Specific Failure Messages

If a field fails multiple rules, there will be multiple failure messages (one for each failed rule). To specify a single failure message for a field, regardless of which rule(s) it fails, call $filter->useFieldMessage():

$filter->validate('field')->is('strlenMin', 6)->asSoftRule();
$filter->validate('field')->is('strlenMax', 12)->asSoftRule();

$filter->useFieldMessage('field', 'Please use 6-12 alphanumeric characters.'); Blank Fields

This library incorporates the concept of "blank" fields, as distinct from isset() and empty(), to allow for input elements that are missing or have not been filled in. A field is blank if it is:

Integers, floats, booleans, resources, arrays, and objects are never "blank" even if they evaluate to zero or are empty:

$not_blank = array(
    0,                // integer
    0.00,             // float
    false,            // boolean false
    array(),          // empty array
    new StdClass,     // an object

Generally, a blank field will fail to validate. To allow a validate rule to pass even if the field is blank, call isBlankOr() or isBlankOrNot() on its rule specification:

// either an alphanumeric value *or* a blank value will validate

Likewise, a blank field may fail to sanitize properly. To allow for a blank field with a sanitize rule, call toBlankOr() on its rule specification:

// both an alphanumeric field *and* a blank field will pass

This will cause blank values to be sanitized to null, and non-blank values to be sanitized using the alnum rule.

Finally, if we want blank values to be sanitized to something other than null, call useBlankValue() to specify the value to use when blank:

// both an alphanumeric field *and* a blank field will pass

That will cause blank values to be sanitized to an empty string. Additionally, please note that useBlankValue() implies toBlankOr(), so the following has the same effect as the above:

// both an alphanumeric field *and* a blank field will pass
$filter->sanitize('field')->to('alnum')->useBlankValue(''); Extending And Initializing A Subject Filter

Sometimes it may be useful to extend the Filter class for a specific purpose, one that can initialize itself. This can be useful when filtering a specific kind of object or dataset.

To do so, override the the init() method on the extended Filter class; the above examples remain instructive, but use $this instead of $filter since you are working from inside the filter object:

namespace Vendor\Package;

use Aura\Filter\SubjectFilter;

class EntityFilter extends SubjectFilter
    protected function init()
        $this->validate('field')->is('strlenMin', 6)->asSoftRule();
        $this->validate('field')->is('strlenMax', 12)->asSoftRule();

        $this->useFieldMessage('field', 'Please use 6-12 alphanumeric characters.');

You can then create a new instance of your extended filter class through the FilterFactory:

$entity_filter = $filter_factory->newSubjectFilter('Vendor\Package\EntityFilter');
$success = $entity_filter->apply($entity); Asserting or Invoking the Filter

Whereas calling $filter->apply($subject) returns a boolean, calling $filter->assert($subject) returns null on success, and throws an exception on failure. (Invoking the filter as a callable a la $filter($subject) works the same as assert().)

use Aura\Filter\Exception\FilterFailed;

// the data to be filtered; could also be an object
$subject = array(
    'username' => 'bolivar',
    'password' => 'p@55w0rd',
    'password_confirm' => 'p@55word', // not the same!

// filter the object and see if there were failures
try {
} catch (FilterFailed $e)
    // ...

The FilterFailed exception has these methods in addition to the normal Exception methods: